Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fun fun fun!

Phylicia came to Utah last weekend and it was a blast!! He hiked the Y and did all sorts of fun stuff!

Kim and I finally got pumpkins and carved them!! I named mine Thomas, and she named hers Peter, not knowing the my dad's name is, in fact, Peter Thomas. So Ode to you, dad! Our pumpkins are named after you!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love your awesome coat in the second picture!
That Y looks so awesome. We drove by it once when I was little, but it is still just a dream to hike it. And Phylicia is so funny. It makes me smile just to look at her in a picture! All you guys are great. I love college kids. I can't wait to be one myself! A BYU kid!
Is that your boyfriend in the first picture? If not, I really want to see what he looks like! Post one of him!
Talk to you later, Susan.