Tuesday, June 16, 2009

News Junkie

So, I've been a news fanatic lately. Being such, I have also been becoming increasingly opinionated. So I am going to share my thoughts on a few things here.

First of all, this "stab-proof" knife

Now my first thought was, they need to change the title because..that just sounds like a challenge like the sword in the stone. If you say it can't be done...people will try to prove you wrong.

Then I thought, that's just stupid altogether because..you CAN stab someone with that, you just have to exert extra effort.

Even if you couldn't stab someone though, it still has a little thing called a "blade" with which you could slit someone's throat.

And what if you were being attacked and you NEEDED a knife that could stab someone? That would be frustrating.

All in all, what we need to do is wear protective forcefields. Because the truth is in this world, that you just never know when someone is going to stab you or throw acid on you or kidnap you.

But wouldn't the forcefield be a challenge also--oh yeah, you think you're safe behind that forcefield?? I'll show you!

So what we really need, is "love sweet love:" we really need people that won't stab each other, and people that won't attack other people so that people have to stab them out of defense.

What do you think?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Ok, so I'd been thinking about doing another blog, a more specifically themed blog for a while, and I finally decided to make it happen. It's a blog about the little things in life that make me smile, trying to help other people notice the little things in their lives that can make them smile, even when skies are not so blue. Please check it out and share it with others! And please feel free to share your little daily happies with me too!
